Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mom, I'm Taken

Jackson is a taken man or boy. He has a girlfriend. Yesterday he came home from school & told me that he has a girlfriend and that he is taken. I asked what her name is & he didn't remember but did remember that she is beautiful, she has hair like him!! (blonde hair) He said they were on the playground & he asked if she wanted to be his girlfriend & she said yes. I asked if he was kissing her & he said "No, just alot of hugging" which I will keep my eye on. lol. He said he would point her out to me & that I needed to meet her because she's gonna come to our house for a playdate. Such a little planner. Wonder where he gets that from. Hummmm. So this morning at school I needed to talk to his teacher. He won't be at school tomorrow due to a leg doctor appt. As I was leaving he comes running across the room "that's her Mommy!" He gives this little girl a huge hug. She is smiling too & tells me that Jackson is her boyfriend. They start holding hands & head to the table for breakfast. Jackson's teacher told me the story about yesterday & that they have told the whole class that they are boyfriend & girlfriend. Young love. Already starting & it's only the 2nd week of Pre-K!! Oh yea-She is very cute. Good choice Jackson!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nathan's a Climber!!

Let me set the scene for everyone. I am cleaning up the dishes from dinner. Jason is at the table helping Jackson finish his plate. We were having issues with him eating tonight for some crazy reason. Anyway, Nathan is playing or we thought. Jason asked me "Did you put in there?" No. I didn't. I had pulled a chair out from under the table because he was standing under the table at the chair and bouncing banging his head on the table. I hope this makes sense. So, Nathan climbed onto the chair & was standing up in the chair jumping. I put him in the floor so we could watch how he was doing this. And he did it again. Of course I had to take pictures before I pissed him off (which I took pic of that too). Once he calmed down a little Jackson finished his plate. Nathan went to Jackson's chair & tried to push him out so he could climb in that chair. Needless to say he wasn't happy when we wouldn't let him get into Jackson's chair.

He was so proud of himself. (excuse the curtains in the background. We have to tuck them into the blinds or Nathan would rip them down.)

This is him after I took him off the chair. He wasn't very happy about it at all.

1st day of Pre-K!!

I officially have a school kid. Jackson started Pre-K today and he was excited. He woke up at 6:30 & climbed into bed with me. He starting telling me that he needs to go downstairs. 7:00 is the time we head downstairs. Every 5 minutes he asked again. So at 6:45 we went downstairs & got juice. We didn't have to leave until around 8 because his class starts at 8:30. A school bus drove by around 7:30 & Jackson started yelling "I missed the bus Mom, we got to go!!!" I explained that he doesn't ride the bus this year. Maybe next. (Not if I can help it but we won't tell him that) We fixed his hair, got dressed, brushed teeth & then we were off. All the way there he was smiling & kept asking "are we there yet?" Almost. It was very crowed this morning but we walked in & his teacher helped him unpack his backpack & he was off. I did ask for a kiss. I know when he gets older I can't do that. Too embarrassing I know but right now I can ask. He gave me one & then spotted a friend from baseball. He was done with me. Told me bye & Nathan & I left. No tears until the car. I didn't want him to see the tears. Yesterday he kept saying that he was sad because he was gonna miss me while at school and he knew I was gonna be sad without him. So I didn't want him to see the tears. I wanted him to have a great day. I am pretty sure that today will be great.

Friday, August 14, 2009

End of Summer

I don't know if I am excited or sad at the fact that summer is coming to an end and Jackson is starting school. Pre-K. The beginning of his long school career. I'm a little sad just because this means my sweet little boy is growing up and I am not quite ready for this. I am excited because I will get some Nathan time. Which I am looking forward to. So this week I have tried to pack in as much fun as I can. He spent this past weekend at Pa's house. They keep him busy everyday so when he came home on Monday he was a tired little boy. We spent Tuesday at Imagine It Children's Museum. He loves going there and we quickly found out that Nathan does too.

Thursday Jackson had a friend over to play. He didn't quite understand how a play date works but he slowly got the hang of it. They played very well together & can't wait for another play date. But none of this compares to what I have planned for today. First we get to meet his teachers & see his room at Pre-K. Nanny gets go with us and we are very excited about this. Afterwards we are gonna go to Nanny's house & try to go swim. Not sure if the weather will hold up. If it rains then we'll find something else to do. He wanted to have dinner with Nanny so she is gonna make spaghetti and my family loves this. I love it because I don't have to cook. Thanks Barb!!

I'll try to post some pics of the open house today at school & of the 1st day next Monday but I can't promise. I will either be dancing with joy or crying all day. Kinda hoping for the dancing.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

That's Spanish

Now that Nathan is getting bigger he likes to watch Sesame Street. The boys have to share so Jackson will watch it with his brother. He tells me he is only watching it with Nathan, he's not watching it because he likes it. Whatever. He likes it but won't admit it because he thinks because brother watches it, it makes it a baby show. We all know the truth. Anyway last night Jackson & I were snuggling (which I just LOVE) & watching Wipeout in my bed. He rolled over to me& gave me the biggest hug ever & told me this:

"I love you Mom. You are the best Mom in the whole wide world. I mean the biggest world ever. Which is Spanish for everywhere."

I laughed so hard. He has started this whole Spanish thing from watching Sesame Street with Nathan. They have a Spanish word everyday. Too bad he can't remember the real Spanish word.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Family Vacation 2009

We had such an awesome family vacation this year. We spent almost a week at the beach house & loved every minute of it. McBride & Jeffrey went with us & at the last minute Joshua got to go also. Which was great because that gave Jeffrey someone to play with so Mac could rest. It was wonderful weather & we spent most days at the beach. Nathan didn't care too much for the beach. Too hot & too bright. We took him one night for a night swim & he loved that. Jackson was the same way when he was Nathan's age. Jackson on the other hand would live there if he could. Well, except when sand got in his eyes. He told me he NEVER wanted to go back but when Jason took all the boys (except Nathan) back at night Jackson was more than ready to go.

We went over to Panama City Beach on day. The boys wanted to ride go carts. Jackson has only rode them once but was so excited to ride again with his Daddy. We decided it would be fun to also do the grand maze. What a mistake. Mac & I did it a LONG time ago & it has changed. It used to be wooded & not so hot but now, it is HOT!! Nathan hated it so him & I quit the maze early & he played at the entrance in some water. Jeffrey had the best time with 30 minutes. Joshua & Jackson came in 2nd. Jason & Mac had to quit early. The boys were thirsty & they had the keys & all the money.

We were all sad to leave but can't wait to go back next summer!!