Monday, August 3, 2009

Family Vacation 2009

We had such an awesome family vacation this year. We spent almost a week at the beach house & loved every minute of it. McBride & Jeffrey went with us & at the last minute Joshua got to go also. Which was great because that gave Jeffrey someone to play with so Mac could rest. It was wonderful weather & we spent most days at the beach. Nathan didn't care too much for the beach. Too hot & too bright. We took him one night for a night swim & he loved that. Jackson was the same way when he was Nathan's age. Jackson on the other hand would live there if he could. Well, except when sand got in his eyes. He told me he NEVER wanted to go back but when Jason took all the boys (except Nathan) back at night Jackson was more than ready to go.

We went over to Panama City Beach on day. The boys wanted to ride go carts. Jackson has only rode them once but was so excited to ride again with his Daddy. We decided it would be fun to also do the grand maze. What a mistake. Mac & I did it a LONG time ago & it has changed. It used to be wooded & not so hot but now, it is HOT!! Nathan hated it so him & I quit the maze early & he played at the entrance in some water. Jeffrey had the best time with 30 minutes. Joshua & Jackson came in 2nd. Jason & Mac had to quit early. The boys were thirsty & they had the keys & all the money.

We were all sad to leave but can't wait to go back next summer!!

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