Friday, August 14, 2009

End of Summer

I don't know if I am excited or sad at the fact that summer is coming to an end and Jackson is starting school. Pre-K. The beginning of his long school career. I'm a little sad just because this means my sweet little boy is growing up and I am not quite ready for this. I am excited because I will get some Nathan time. Which I am looking forward to. So this week I have tried to pack in as much fun as I can. He spent this past weekend at Pa's house. They keep him busy everyday so when he came home on Monday he was a tired little boy. We spent Tuesday at Imagine It Children's Museum. He loves going there and we quickly found out that Nathan does too.

Thursday Jackson had a friend over to play. He didn't quite understand how a play date works but he slowly got the hang of it. They played very well together & can't wait for another play date. But none of this compares to what I have planned for today. First we get to meet his teachers & see his room at Pre-K. Nanny gets go with us and we are very excited about this. Afterwards we are gonna go to Nanny's house & try to go swim. Not sure if the weather will hold up. If it rains then we'll find something else to do. He wanted to have dinner with Nanny so she is gonna make spaghetti and my family loves this. I love it because I don't have to cook. Thanks Barb!!

I'll try to post some pics of the open house today at school & of the 1st day next Monday but I can't promise. I will either be dancing with joy or crying all day. Kinda hoping for the dancing.

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