Monday, August 17, 2009

Nathan's a Climber!!

Let me set the scene for everyone. I am cleaning up the dishes from dinner. Jason is at the table helping Jackson finish his plate. We were having issues with him eating tonight for some crazy reason. Anyway, Nathan is playing or we thought. Jason asked me "Did you put in there?" No. I didn't. I had pulled a chair out from under the table because he was standing under the table at the chair and bouncing banging his head on the table. I hope this makes sense. So, Nathan climbed onto the chair & was standing up in the chair jumping. I put him in the floor so we could watch how he was doing this. And he did it again. Of course I had to take pictures before I pissed him off (which I took pic of that too). Once he calmed down a little Jackson finished his plate. Nathan went to Jackson's chair & tried to push him out so he could climb in that chair. Needless to say he wasn't happy when we wouldn't let him get into Jackson's chair.

He was so proud of himself. (excuse the curtains in the background. We have to tuck them into the blinds or Nathan would rip them down.)

This is him after I took him off the chair. He wasn't very happy about it at all.

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