Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mom, I'm Taken

Jackson is a taken man or boy. He has a girlfriend. Yesterday he came home from school & told me that he has a girlfriend and that he is taken. I asked what her name is & he didn't remember but did remember that she is beautiful, she has hair like him!! (blonde hair) He said they were on the playground & he asked if she wanted to be his girlfriend & she said yes. I asked if he was kissing her & he said "No, just alot of hugging" which I will keep my eye on. lol. He said he would point her out to me & that I needed to meet her because she's gonna come to our house for a playdate. Such a little planner. Wonder where he gets that from. Hummmm. So this morning at school I needed to talk to his teacher. He won't be at school tomorrow due to a leg doctor appt. As I was leaving he comes running across the room "that's her Mommy!" He gives this little girl a huge hug. She is smiling too & tells me that Jackson is her boyfriend. They start holding hands & head to the table for breakfast. Jackson's teacher told me the story about yesterday & that they have told the whole class that they are boyfriend & girlfriend. Young love. Already starting & it's only the 2nd week of Pre-K!! Oh yea-She is very cute. Good choice Jackson!!

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