Thursday, August 6, 2009

That's Spanish

Now that Nathan is getting bigger he likes to watch Sesame Street. The boys have to share so Jackson will watch it with his brother. He tells me he is only watching it with Nathan, he's not watching it because he likes it. Whatever. He likes it but won't admit it because he thinks because brother watches it, it makes it a baby show. We all know the truth. Anyway last night Jackson & I were snuggling (which I just LOVE) & watching Wipeout in my bed. He rolled over to me& gave me the biggest hug ever & told me this:

"I love you Mom. You are the best Mom in the whole wide world. I mean the biggest world ever. Which is Spanish for everywhere."

I laughed so hard. He has started this whole Spanish thing from watching Sesame Street with Nathan. They have a Spanish word everyday. Too bad he can't remember the real Spanish word.

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