Monday, August 17, 2009

1st day of Pre-K!!

I officially have a school kid. Jackson started Pre-K today and he was excited. He woke up at 6:30 & climbed into bed with me. He starting telling me that he needs to go downstairs. 7:00 is the time we head downstairs. Every 5 minutes he asked again. So at 6:45 we went downstairs & got juice. We didn't have to leave until around 8 because his class starts at 8:30. A school bus drove by around 7:30 & Jackson started yelling "I missed the bus Mom, we got to go!!!" I explained that he doesn't ride the bus this year. Maybe next. (Not if I can help it but we won't tell him that) We fixed his hair, got dressed, brushed teeth & then we were off. All the way there he was smiling & kept asking "are we there yet?" Almost. It was very crowed this morning but we walked in & his teacher helped him unpack his backpack & he was off. I did ask for a kiss. I know when he gets older I can't do that. Too embarrassing I know but right now I can ask. He gave me one & then spotted a friend from baseball. He was done with me. Told me bye & Nathan & I left. No tears until the car. I didn't want him to see the tears. Yesterday he kept saying that he was sad because he was gonna miss me while at school and he knew I was gonna be sad without him. So I didn't want him to see the tears. I wanted him to have a great day. I am pretty sure that today will be great.

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