Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jackson's Broke Leg

Yes the title is correct. Jackson broke his left femur or leg thigh in non-medical terms. Jackson was in his room playing while Jason & I were downstairs. Jason heard something & took off running upstairs and for some reason I took off outside the front door. I would later find out that Jason heard Jackson yell "ahh" and then a loud noise. When I got to the porch Jackson was sitting on his bottom in front of the truck on the concrete. He had fallen out of his window to the concrete below. It was about an 18-20 feet fall. I scooped him up & took him inside, handed him off to Jason & called 911. Jason started looking him over and saw that something was wrong with his leg. At that point Jackson started crying. Jason took over the 911 call, I broke down & couldn't talk to them. As he was on the phone with them I called Mike and told him to come get Nathan. We had an ambulance, cop, & fire rescue. They came in said his leg is broke & needed to get to the hospital. They had to cut in pants & shirt off. I don't think he remembers what shirt he had on but it was his favorite Disney shirt. He wears it all the time. They loaded him into the ambulance, I got in the front & they told Jason he couldn't follow the ambulance. He didn't listen very well but I don't blame him. They took us to Scottish Rite and all the way there Jackson cried & asked them to go faster, please. They went as fast as they could. We got to Scottish Rite & they were waiting on us. They started working on him & came to the conclusion that he only had a broken leg. Thank God. They also had the Chaplain there & he told me that this was not what they expected, he actually looks good compared to what happened. They gave him morphine and thought he was gonna go to sleep however, it didn't. It calmed him down & he started talking. He would not stop. He had everyone laughing. The tech that was holding his head thought he was the coolest kid. The entire time he was laying on the table all he would tell me was he was sorry for pushing up his blinds. ( This is something he knows not to do) It took a couple of hours but we finally got to a room. We were told that in the morning he would have surgery. We would talk to the surgeon in the morning but he would either have a body cast, from his chest down his left leg to his ankle and on his right to his knee, or a rod would be placed in his bone to help it heal. None of us slept well that night. In the morning we spoke with the surgeon & decided on the rod. It healed quicker & he could be up & walking in a few days instead of 6 weeks in the cast. Surgery was scheduled for 12. Jason & I took him down at 12, spoke with the docs & then had to leave. He cried & wanted Daddy to go with him but we assured him he would be fine. That was the hardest thing I have ever done. Watching them wheel him back crying & I couldn't go with him & knowing he was about to have surgery. The 2 hours he was gone went by so slow. We had lunch, bought him some balloons and headed to his room to wait. Jackson coming back into his room was the best. He was still asleep but he was there and the Doc said he did great. He has 2 small incisions on each side of his knee but should be back to normal soon. What great news. We took him home on Monday. No problems or complications.

It took a couple of days but we finally found out exactly what happened. He climbed onto the window seal & used both hands to push the window up. He lost his balance & fell out head first. Somehow he managed to do a flip & land on his bottom. He bumped his head on the ground and only had a couple of scratches on his forehead & belly. We were lucky. This should have had a different outcome & somehow he didn't. Jackson has so many angels and God looking out for him. I think I am still in shock over this. I have talked & prayed & can't seem to grasp this. I hate that this happened to him. I hate that he is in such pain. I have cried so much that I have no more tears. I know we were/are lucky that it ended the way it did but it's my baby. I am thankful for so much. We have such an amazing family & friends that have helped in so many ways. Thank you all for everything. Thank you for loving my baby & thank you for all the prayers.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brotherly Love

So Nathan is crawling...everywhere. Everyday he gets faster and faster. His main goal is to be where ever Jackson is. Today he crawled to Jackson & tried to get in his lap & gave him a hug. Or what looked like a hug. What sweet brotherly love. I know it's gonna end soon. Jackson already gets a little upset when Nathan goes for his toys. Especially his trains. Oh well, what am I gonna do but sit back & laugh.

Good Job Guys!!

Will & Chase had a baseball game last night at our field so Jason, I & the kids went to watch. They didn't win but played well considering it was only their 2nd game. Mason & Jackson played in the sand for most of the game but every so often Jackson would come over & go to the dugout & tell the team "good job guys." Even when they stuck out. I thought it was very cool, he had good sportsmanship. The boys didn't seem to care that a 4 year old was telling them that but I thought it nice of him.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jackson's artwork

I am posting this because I know one day I will laugh. Today however I am not. Last week I went to pick Jackson up from school and as they were loading him into the car I noticed marker on his shirt. I made the comment "nice shirt". Jackson said sorry & began taking his jacket off when he exposed his colored arms. The teacher was shocked. This was not his teacher but a teacher from another class so she didn't know this happened. Jackson managed to draw down both arms with a marker. Mommy was not happy at all. I spoke with his teacher later that evening & she said sorry & that the markers were not washable. WHAT??? Who gives permanent markers to a room full of 3-4 year olds? Anyway, I am not mad anymore, well maybe a little. But for the record, Jackson is banned from all markers until I say it's ok. I am sure everyone besides me will get a kick out of this.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Opening Day at the Ball Park

Opening day for baseball was a couple of weeks ago. We had to be at the park by 9 & a parade was scheduled at 10. Jackson was so excited and he kept telling me he was ready for the parade. It was pretty cool. The teams all line up & march through the ballpark & as they enter field 3 the team is announced & they call off each kids name & number. Jackson thought that was the coolest. We had a game at 2:30 so we had time to kill. Teams set up different booths to raise money. We did a balloon pop game. It was a BIG hit. We raised $250 & had $600 in donation. The game was pretty good also. Well as good as it could be at 2:30 with 15 toddlers who were tired, hungry & needed a nap, badly. But what are ya gonna do? They did great & it was a great day to start the season, even if I did forget the sunscreen. Wait, I didn't mention that. Of all things I forgot sunscreen for the kids. I packed everything, toys, food, games, drinks but not sunscreen. So of course Nathan gets his first sunburn on his face & Jason gets sun poison on his head. Other than that, it was a beautiful day.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Nathan is crawling!!!!

He has been trying to crawl for days now. He revs up & then falls on his face. Well today, he finally did it. He didn't go far but hey, he did it. I am so proud of him.

Monday, March 2, 2009

One for Nathan

It seems I have writing alot about Jackson so here's one for Nathan. I had to take him to the doc on Friday. He has had this horrible cough & runny nose for too long. I was prepared for an ear infection, he already had 5 in his short 7 months of life. Jackson got his 1st EVER last week so I never had to deal with them with Jackson so getting an ear infection once a month is just crazy to me. So anyway we went to see the doc. They weighed both boys. Jackson is 35 pounds. This called for a celebration. That boy has been 31-32 pounds for over 2 years now. Nathan, well has no problem gaining. He weighed 21.8. That means a new car seat. Not really happy about that. I like being able to carry him in a car seat in the house & store. Guess that is over. His current seats weight limit is 22 pounds. So Saturday we were off to Target to get a new seat. Nathan now has his 1st big boy seat. Oh yeah. no ear infection this month!!!

Snow Day 2009

It snowed!!!! Well a little. They kept saying 2-4". Boy were we excited. I know those family members up north are saying 4" is nothing, but for us it's alot. Jackson came home early from Nanny's house so he would be here to play with Daddy in the snow. When he got up Sunday the first thing he did was look out the window. No snow. He was a little disappointed but I explained that it was supposed to start snowing at lunch time. Around 10 it starting sleeting. Jackson was so excited. He kept running to his room to look out his window. Jason & I told him once the ground was covered we would go play. Around 3 I looked outside & it wasn't covering the ground. It looked like it was already starting to melt, so off we went. Bundled the kids up & we went to play. All Jackson talked about during the day was making a snow angel. Well, not enough snow for that but he was able to make a small snowball to throw at Daddy. I took Nathan out there but I don't think he really cared. I only kept him out there about 10 minutes. Jason & Jackson stayed to play but as they were getting ready to come inside the neighbor brought over a sleigh. We don't have hill to slide down, or enough snow, but to be nice Jason put Jackson on it & pulled him through the yard. What a great workout for Jason!! I couldn't get pics of that because Nathan was in my lap sleeping by this time. Overall it was a great snow day, & it only lasted 1 day which makes it so much better!!