Monday, March 2, 2009

One for Nathan

It seems I have writing alot about Jackson so here's one for Nathan. I had to take him to the doc on Friday. He has had this horrible cough & runny nose for too long. I was prepared for an ear infection, he already had 5 in his short 7 months of life. Jackson got his 1st EVER last week so I never had to deal with them with Jackson so getting an ear infection once a month is just crazy to me. So anyway we went to see the doc. They weighed both boys. Jackson is 35 pounds. This called for a celebration. That boy has been 31-32 pounds for over 2 years now. Nathan, well has no problem gaining. He weighed 21.8. That means a new car seat. Not really happy about that. I like being able to carry him in a car seat in the house & store. Guess that is over. His current seats weight limit is 22 pounds. So Saturday we were off to Target to get a new seat. Nathan now has his 1st big boy seat. Oh yeah. no ear infection this month!!!

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