Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day 2009

It snowed!!!! Well a little. They kept saying 2-4". Boy were we excited. I know those family members up north are saying 4" is nothing, but for us it's alot. Jackson came home early from Nanny's house so he would be here to play with Daddy in the snow. When he got up Sunday the first thing he did was look out the window. No snow. He was a little disappointed but I explained that it was supposed to start snowing at lunch time. Around 10 it starting sleeting. Jackson was so excited. He kept running to his room to look out his window. Jason & I told him once the ground was covered we would go play. Around 3 I looked outside & it wasn't covering the ground. It looked like it was already starting to melt, so off we went. Bundled the kids up & we went to play. All Jackson talked about during the day was making a snow angel. Well, not enough snow for that but he was able to make a small snowball to throw at Daddy. I took Nathan out there but I don't think he really cared. I only kept him out there about 10 minutes. Jason & Jackson stayed to play but as they were getting ready to come inside the neighbor brought over a sleigh. We don't have hill to slide down, or enough snow, but to be nice Jason put Jackson on it & pulled him through the yard. What a great workout for Jason!! I couldn't get pics of that because Nathan was in my lap sleeping by this time. Overall it was a great snow day, & it only lasted 1 day which makes it so much better!!

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