Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jackson's artwork

I am posting this because I know one day I will laugh. Today however I am not. Last week I went to pick Jackson up from school and as they were loading him into the car I noticed marker on his shirt. I made the comment "nice shirt". Jackson said sorry & began taking his jacket off when he exposed his colored arms. The teacher was shocked. This was not his teacher but a teacher from another class so she didn't know this happened. Jackson managed to draw down both arms with a marker. Mommy was not happy at all. I spoke with his teacher later that evening & she said sorry & that the markers were not washable. WHAT??? Who gives permanent markers to a room full of 3-4 year olds? Anyway, I am not mad anymore, well maybe a little. But for the record, Jackson is banned from all markers until I say it's ok. I am sure everyone besides me will get a kick out of this.

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