Saturday, March 21, 2009

Opening Day at the Ball Park

Opening day for baseball was a couple of weeks ago. We had to be at the park by 9 & a parade was scheduled at 10. Jackson was so excited and he kept telling me he was ready for the parade. It was pretty cool. The teams all line up & march through the ballpark & as they enter field 3 the team is announced & they call off each kids name & number. Jackson thought that was the coolest. We had a game at 2:30 so we had time to kill. Teams set up different booths to raise money. We did a balloon pop game. It was a BIG hit. We raised $250 & had $600 in donation. The game was pretty good also. Well as good as it could be at 2:30 with 15 toddlers who were tired, hungry & needed a nap, badly. But what are ya gonna do? They did great & it was a great day to start the season, even if I did forget the sunscreen. Wait, I didn't mention that. Of all things I forgot sunscreen for the kids. I packed everything, toys, food, games, drinks but not sunscreen. So of course Nathan gets his first sunburn on his face & Jason gets sun poison on his head. Other than that, it was a beautiful day.

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