Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We also did Christmas with Barb's side the weekend before Christmas. So this made 3 day of parting for the boys but they loved it!! After we ate & opened presents Ashton brought Michael Jackson for the Wii and the boys just had to dance. Nathan was too tired so he rested on Barb & Kinsley wasn't too sure about it. But Jackson, Barb & Ashton loved it. Especially Thriller!!

Getting the Wii ready.

Christmas with Pop's Side

Since the family is growing so much we did Pop's side on the Saturday before Christmas. It works perfect because everyone gets to come. Jackson was excited because he remembered that Aunt Juanita & Uncle Mark have a drum set and we all know how much Jackson loves drums or anything that makes music. We had dinner & then the kids disappeared for awhile until we were told that there was a concert upstairs. So everyone made their way to hear the concert. It was pretty cool. Jackson played the drums, Nathan played the keyboard & Uncle Mark was on the guitar. For the kids first concert it was fun.

Every year someone in the family reads A Christmas Story. This year Uncle John took care of it & Jackson was right there with him. He was trying to "teach" him how to read the story & show the pictures. It was cute.

A really cool part of the evening was when Jackson was given a set of drums. He was in complete shock. He was given a pair of drum sticks first & was happy about that and then once the drum set was put together he was given those. He was so happy & excited. Thank you Aunt Juanita, Uncle Mark, Stephanie & Eric. You made him a very happy little boy.

The men played scratch offs this year. (I went in with the men, more fun to me) We all put $20 worth in & then switched them up. Bronson came out the winner & I think Justin got a little over 10 bucks. I got a free ticket & $3.00 but Eric didn't win any. It's ok. We had fun anyway. Note for next year. No Bingo tickets. They take too long. lol

Sorry Bronson, not sure why your face is blurred but it's the only pic I took so I have to use it.

It was a great night but I think the best part was when we were leaving. Aunt Juanita came to tell Jason & I bye and said the nicest thing to us. After the year I have had that was something that I needed to hear & it brought me to tears. Good tears. Thank you Aunt Juanita. It meant alot to us and we love you.

Merry Christmas Dunn side. We really should get together more than twice a year!!!

Kindergarten Christmas Party

What a fun day Jackson had on his last day before the Christmas break. He got to wear his pj's to school because they were watching Polar Express. He was very excited about this because he got to wear his new rock star pj's. This was a crazy day because as soon as the movie was over we went to lunch, where they gave them ice cream and of course the kids ate that first. This would not have been my choice for lunch knowing that the whole school was about to have parties with TONS of sugar but I am just the Mom. What do I know, right? After lunch the kids came back to party. And they were ready. They decorated "Christmas Tree", ate tons of candy & cupcakes & then got a stocking full of fun stuff. It was a great party and I think they all had a great time.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Jackson turns 6!!!!

Yeah that's right. My Jackson is 6 or as he says "a whole hand plus 1!!!" This birthday has hit me harder than any of his other milestones. Not really sure why but it has. Maybe it's because he is a whole hand plus 1. He's growing up and as much as I want it to stop I can't. I know every mother looks at their babies & say that they can't believe it's been 2, 6, 10, 20 years since they were born & I never truly believed it....until now. It honestly feels like yesterday that Jason & I checked into the hospital & that beautiful boy was born. Not so small but beautiful & perfect. As scared as I was to become a Mom it all just felt right. He came at the right time in our lives & has brightened & made an impression on everyone he has met. He is unique, so smart, heartfelt, & a ball of energy that will drive you nuts. And believe me he does at times. I am so proud of him & at the young man he is becoming. He has such a heart in him & even at his young age would help any & everyone he meets. His teacher told me that Jackson worries about everyone & wants to help everyone that he forgets about what he needs to do. I guess he gets that honestly. He is more than I could ever have asked for & we thank God everyday that he blessed us with him. Jackson, I love you. You are a wonderful son & I hope you have many many more wonderful birthdays ahead.

Ok mushy over. Party time. He wanted a bowling party and was told he could invite 10 friends. He knew exactly who he wanted to invite. Most were able to come & the kids had a blast!!! They were all so cute out there. We put the bumpers up but I don't think the kids knew that. They bowled & then we had ice cream & cupcakes. Then it was present time. Jackson racked up too. He was excited about every present & thanked everyone. He was smiling the entire time.

Once we got home he chose Sal's for his birthday dinner & then told me that this was his best birthday party ever & got really cool presents. It was a great birthday.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stone Moutain Christmas

We did our annual Stone Mountain Christmas again this year and Stone Mountain was much better this year than in the past. They didn't cram everything in 1 spot so it didn't seem crowed at all. The boys decorated a sugar cookie & since Pop's wasn't feeling good & couldn't come they sent them home to him. I am sure all that sugar helped him feel much better & fast. We watched a short show & then waited in line for the train. We rode at the perfect time because as soon as we sat down it started to rain but it stopped by the time we got off & most of the crowds were gone. How perfect was that? It was a great evening & sure did get me in the Christmas spirit. Until next year.....

Nathan working hard & below is his finished product. Can't find the cookie tho.

Jackson decorating his cookie & his finished cookie below

Pop's Birthday!

Thanksgiving week Jackson went to Alabama for a few days and Pop's birthday was Monday so Jason, Nathan and I made dinner & headed over to his house. Nathan got to decorate his cake & it was quite funny. He picked out blue sprinkles at the store & tried putting them on one at a time. That didn't last very long. But for his 1st time decorating he did a great job & Pop's seemed thankful & happy. It was a nice evening. Happy Birthday Pop's!!! Hope it was a great day!!

Nathan putting the sprinkles on just in the right place.

He puts them all in the same area.

They stained his hands blue!!

I think he got tired so he just dumped them all and in 1 spot!!

Helping Pop's blow out the candles.

Wellstar Fashion Show

Jason & Jackson were chosen to be in the Wellstar Fashion show that the volunteers put on every year. Great-Grandma nominated them & they were chosen!! Jackson wasn't really sure he wanted to do it but said he would go to practice & see if he likes it. Of course he liked it. He was on a stage & everyone looking at him. He was center of attention!! So as he left the practice he says he'll do it.

They did awesome!!! They looked great!!! Jason & Jackson got to walk together which helped with Jackson's nerves. They wore a casual & then a "formal" outfit. I was very proud of both of them as they were the best looking models in the show!!

Happy Halloween

Halloween was crazy this year. I think every kid in Paulding County comes to city of Dallas to trick or treat. It's a zoo!! Trick or treating was on the 30th since it's a Saturday. Not sure I agree but this gave the boys 2 nights to go out & dress up. So on the 31st we headed over to Nanny & Pop's & went out with them.

We heard stories from neighbors that you have to have alot of candy on the 30th so we decided to share the joy with our good friends. Everyone that came brought a few bags of candy & a finger food. We had plenty of "adult food" but quickly ran out of 12 bags of candy!!! Oh well it was fun but not sure we will hang around for it next year. Too many people.

So on the actual Halloween we went to Nanny & Pop's. Ate dinner with them & then got dressed & off we went. We hit a few houses & then Nathan was done so he went back with Nanny & Pop's to pass out candy & Jason & I took Jackson to his 1st haunted house. Someone set it up in their garage. It was good. Jackson didn't get scared & we were proud.

For Halloween Jackson wanted to be a pirate (Jack Sparrow of course, remember we just went to Disney & Jack Sparrow is EVERYWHERE) and Nathan was Woody. (which was perfect because Codie came & he was Buzz) They looked awesome & behaved wonderfully. It was a great Halloween.