Monday, December 13, 2010

Jackson turns 6!!!!

Yeah that's right. My Jackson is 6 or as he says "a whole hand plus 1!!!" This birthday has hit me harder than any of his other milestones. Not really sure why but it has. Maybe it's because he is a whole hand plus 1. He's growing up and as much as I want it to stop I can't. I know every mother looks at their babies & say that they can't believe it's been 2, 6, 10, 20 years since they were born & I never truly believed it....until now. It honestly feels like yesterday that Jason & I checked into the hospital & that beautiful boy was born. Not so small but beautiful & perfect. As scared as I was to become a Mom it all just felt right. He came at the right time in our lives & has brightened & made an impression on everyone he has met. He is unique, so smart, heartfelt, & a ball of energy that will drive you nuts. And believe me he does at times. I am so proud of him & at the young man he is becoming. He has such a heart in him & even at his young age would help any & everyone he meets. His teacher told me that Jackson worries about everyone & wants to help everyone that he forgets about what he needs to do. I guess he gets that honestly. He is more than I could ever have asked for & we thank God everyday that he blessed us with him. Jackson, I love you. You are a wonderful son & I hope you have many many more wonderful birthdays ahead.

Ok mushy over. Party time. He wanted a bowling party and was told he could invite 10 friends. He knew exactly who he wanted to invite. Most were able to come & the kids had a blast!!! They were all so cute out there. We put the bumpers up but I don't think the kids knew that. They bowled & then we had ice cream & cupcakes. Then it was present time. Jackson racked up too. He was excited about every present & thanked everyone. He was smiling the entire time.

Once we got home he chose Sal's for his birthday dinner & then told me that this was his best birthday party ever & got really cool presents. It was a great birthday.

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