Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Halloween

Halloween was crazy this year. I think every kid in Paulding County comes to city of Dallas to trick or treat. It's a zoo!! Trick or treating was on the 30th since it's a Saturday. Not sure I agree but this gave the boys 2 nights to go out & dress up. So on the 31st we headed over to Nanny & Pop's & went out with them.

We heard stories from neighbors that you have to have alot of candy on the 30th so we decided to share the joy with our good friends. Everyone that came brought a few bags of candy & a finger food. We had plenty of "adult food" but quickly ran out of 12 bags of candy!!! Oh well it was fun but not sure we will hang around for it next year. Too many people.

So on the actual Halloween we went to Nanny & Pop's. Ate dinner with them & then got dressed & off we went. We hit a few houses & then Nathan was done so he went back with Nanny & Pop's to pass out candy & Jason & I took Jackson to his 1st haunted house. Someone set it up in their garage. It was good. Jackson didn't get scared & we were proud.

For Halloween Jackson wanted to be a pirate (Jack Sparrow of course, remember we just went to Disney & Jack Sparrow is EVERYWHERE) and Nathan was Woody. (which was perfect because Codie came & he was Buzz) They looked awesome & behaved wonderfully. It was a great Halloween.

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