Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas with Pop's Side

Since the family is growing so much we did Pop's side on the Saturday before Christmas. It works perfect because everyone gets to come. Jackson was excited because he remembered that Aunt Juanita & Uncle Mark have a drum set and we all know how much Jackson loves drums or anything that makes music. We had dinner & then the kids disappeared for awhile until we were told that there was a concert upstairs. So everyone made their way to hear the concert. It was pretty cool. Jackson played the drums, Nathan played the keyboard & Uncle Mark was on the guitar. For the kids first concert it was fun.

Every year someone in the family reads A Christmas Story. This year Uncle John took care of it & Jackson was right there with him. He was trying to "teach" him how to read the story & show the pictures. It was cute.

A really cool part of the evening was when Jackson was given a set of drums. He was in complete shock. He was given a pair of drum sticks first & was happy about that and then once the drum set was put together he was given those. He was so happy & excited. Thank you Aunt Juanita, Uncle Mark, Stephanie & Eric. You made him a very happy little boy.

The men played scratch offs this year. (I went in with the men, more fun to me) We all put $20 worth in & then switched them up. Bronson came out the winner & I think Justin got a little over 10 bucks. I got a free ticket & $3.00 but Eric didn't win any. It's ok. We had fun anyway. Note for next year. No Bingo tickets. They take too long. lol

Sorry Bronson, not sure why your face is blurred but it's the only pic I took so I have to use it.

It was a great night but I think the best part was when we were leaving. Aunt Juanita came to tell Jason & I bye and said the nicest thing to us. After the year I have had that was something that I needed to hear & it brought me to tears. Good tears. Thank you Aunt Juanita. It meant alot to us and we love you.

Merry Christmas Dunn side. We really should get together more than twice a year!!!

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