Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stone Moutain Christmas

We did our annual Stone Mountain Christmas again this year and Stone Mountain was much better this year than in the past. They didn't cram everything in 1 spot so it didn't seem crowed at all. The boys decorated a sugar cookie & since Pop's wasn't feeling good & couldn't come they sent them home to him. I am sure all that sugar helped him feel much better & fast. We watched a short show & then waited in line for the train. We rode at the perfect time because as soon as we sat down it started to rain but it stopped by the time we got off & most of the crowds were gone. How perfect was that? It was a great evening & sure did get me in the Christmas spirit. Until next year.....

Nathan working hard & below is his finished product. Can't find the cookie tho.

Jackson decorating his cookie & his finished cookie below

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