Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have been so busy with Jackson & his leg that I have forgotten to update with our Easter pics. We didn't do much but Jackson was pretty excited. Nathan didn't really know what was going on. On Saturday morning Jackson & I dyed some eggs. This was the 1st year he has done this & he had a blast!! We made a dozen & they were all different colors. He said he wants to do this again next year. Will do. We then went to White Oak Park for a huge egg hunt & met up with Tristen, he plays t-ball with Jackson. The Easter Bunny was there but Jackson didn't want to sit in his lap. (We had already gone to the mall to see him) Nathan didn't have a choice. We took some pics but I can't seem to find them. I'll upload later. They had it set up pretty well. Separated by age. Nathan was 1st. Jason took him out there & sat him down in the middle of some eggs & he would pick them up & put them in his bucket. Jackson was in the wheelchair at this time so I had to push him around. He would point to an egg & I would pick it up. Much more work for me than him. He was also put in the paper. Which was really cool. After the egg hunt Jackson wanted to go to Applebees. He says this is his favorite place to eat. So we went. Nanny & Pops came by later that night to see the boys & drop off their Easter presents from them. Getting Jackson in the bed was pretty easy. He knew the Easter Bunny was coming.

Jackson woke up at his normal time & Nathan woke up right after him. We had to carry both down & Jackson was all smiles. He loved his wagon. Filled with toys & candy. He yelled "Thank you Easter Bunny, I hope you can hear me!" I think he did.

We then went to Grammie & Pa's & ate the best Easter lunch. Very low key. Sat around & enjoyed the day. A great way to spend Easter.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jackson's update

We had a follow up visit with the Doc last week. It went ok. They wanted to take more x-rays which made Jackson cry. He really thought it was gonna hurt. Of course it didn't. The Doc was pretty cool, he let Jackson see the pics & explained to him what it was. You can see the rods & the leg is still broke but looks great. He said Jackson is healing very well & fast. I asked about physical therapy because Jackson is not making any effort to stand or walk. He said to give him another week. Well, I called therapy yesterday. I am waiting for a call back. So we should be starting therapy very soon. Wish me luck. Jackson is really not wanting to go.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Please call God

This is just too funny not to share. On Friday night we had some pretty bad storms. Jackson usually doesn't get scared by the thunder but for some reason this storm had him scared. He was sitting in Jason's chair with the blanket over his head for quite awhile. I asked if he wanted me to explain what thunder was. He said yes. I proceeded to tell him the story I was told when I was little, that it was God bowling. The first big bang was the ball hitting the lane & then you hear the bowl rolling down the lane to the pins. He asked what the lightening was & Jason told him it was when God got a strike. Oh, he said. We told him God was having a bowling party & it would be over soon. He was ok with that & said he was ready for bed. (Right now he is sleeping on his mattress in our room since he can't get up & walk yet. He will be back in his room very soon.) Anyway, I kissed him goodnight & came back downstairs. The thunder started back up & I heard him calling me & asked if I would come on to bed & sleep on Daddy's side since it was closer to him. I agreed We had the weather on tv & they were telling people in Gwinnett to go to the lowest part of the house. So Jackson told me we needed to go to the basement now. I told him no, Daddy would take care of us. He would know if we needed to go. About 5 minutes later this was what Jackson asked me to do.

"Mom, can you please ask Daddy to call God & ask him to stop bowling? I am tired & he is too loud. He needs to stop having a party & stop bowling.....Please."

I laughed so hard. I told him God's bedtime was soon & it would end. The storm blew over about 10 minutes later.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Update on Jackson

Let me start by saying THANKS!!! We have had so many calls, visits, presents, & prayers for Jackson. Jason & I are very thankful for everyone & everything you have done. This has & continues to be a very trying time for us. It's hard seeing Jackson laying around & not up running. He has always been so active & now he is so afraid to stand. It hurts to see him like this but I know, it will get better. We go for a follow up this week. They already told me that if he is not up & standing on it by then they are sending him to a physical therapist. I have warned Jackson of this & it has not helped getting him up. I will update after that appointment. Thank you all again and we love all of you.

Nathan's 9 month check-up

I took Nathan to his 9 month check-up this week. The 1st thing the doc said was "well he hasn't missed many meals." I would have to agree. He weighed 22 pounds & is 29.5" long. I think he lost half a pound but he is crawling now so that explains that. He has been kinda lonely here lately due to Jackson's accident but we are hoping that will change soon & Jackson will be up & moving. I will post his update later. Nathan lost his voice this week. It kinda happened overnight, Jason & I laugh because it sounds so cute. I think it's due to the pollen but I don't know. He has also started pulling himself up. He's pretty good at it. He hasn't tried to walk but I know it's gonna happen soon. I hope before we go to the beach.