Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have been so busy with Jackson & his leg that I have forgotten to update with our Easter pics. We didn't do much but Jackson was pretty excited. Nathan didn't really know what was going on. On Saturday morning Jackson & I dyed some eggs. This was the 1st year he has done this & he had a blast!! We made a dozen & they were all different colors. He said he wants to do this again next year. Will do. We then went to White Oak Park for a huge egg hunt & met up with Tristen, he plays t-ball with Jackson. The Easter Bunny was there but Jackson didn't want to sit in his lap. (We had already gone to the mall to see him) Nathan didn't have a choice. We took some pics but I can't seem to find them. I'll upload later. They had it set up pretty well. Separated by age. Nathan was 1st. Jason took him out there & sat him down in the middle of some eggs & he would pick them up & put them in his bucket. Jackson was in the wheelchair at this time so I had to push him around. He would point to an egg & I would pick it up. Much more work for me than him. He was also put in the paper. Which was really cool. After the egg hunt Jackson wanted to go to Applebees. He says this is his favorite place to eat. So we went. Nanny & Pops came by later that night to see the boys & drop off their Easter presents from them. Getting Jackson in the bed was pretty easy. He knew the Easter Bunny was coming.

Jackson woke up at his normal time & Nathan woke up right after him. We had to carry both down & Jackson was all smiles. He loved his wagon. Filled with toys & candy. He yelled "Thank you Easter Bunny, I hope you can hear me!" I think he did.

We then went to Grammie & Pa's & ate the best Easter lunch. Very low key. Sat around & enjoyed the day. A great way to spend Easter.

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