Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nathan's 9 month check-up

I took Nathan to his 9 month check-up this week. The 1st thing the doc said was "well he hasn't missed many meals." I would have to agree. He weighed 22 pounds & is 29.5" long. I think he lost half a pound but he is crawling now so that explains that. He has been kinda lonely here lately due to Jackson's accident but we are hoping that will change soon & Jackson will be up & moving. I will post his update later. Nathan lost his voice this week. It kinda happened overnight, Jason & I laugh because it sounds so cute. I think it's due to the pollen but I don't know. He has also started pulling himself up. He's pretty good at it. He hasn't tried to walk but I know it's gonna happen soon. I hope before we go to the beach.

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