Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jackson's update

We had a follow up visit with the Doc last week. It went ok. They wanted to take more x-rays which made Jackson cry. He really thought it was gonna hurt. Of course it didn't. The Doc was pretty cool, he let Jackson see the pics & explained to him what it was. You can see the rods & the leg is still broke but looks great. He said Jackson is healing very well & fast. I asked about physical therapy because Jackson is not making any effort to stand or walk. He said to give him another week. Well, I called therapy yesterday. I am waiting for a call back. So we should be starting therapy very soon. Wish me luck. Jackson is really not wanting to go.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hello! It nice meeting another GA family. We live next to you in Temple GA. The pictures are toooo cute!!
    Hugs, Sandy
