Sunday, April 12, 2009

Please call God

This is just too funny not to share. On Friday night we had some pretty bad storms. Jackson usually doesn't get scared by the thunder but for some reason this storm had him scared. He was sitting in Jason's chair with the blanket over his head for quite awhile. I asked if he wanted me to explain what thunder was. He said yes. I proceeded to tell him the story I was told when I was little, that it was God bowling. The first big bang was the ball hitting the lane & then you hear the bowl rolling down the lane to the pins. He asked what the lightening was & Jason told him it was when God got a strike. Oh, he said. We told him God was having a bowling party & it would be over soon. He was ok with that & said he was ready for bed. (Right now he is sleeping on his mattress in our room since he can't get up & walk yet. He will be back in his room very soon.) Anyway, I kissed him goodnight & came back downstairs. The thunder started back up & I heard him calling me & asked if I would come on to bed & sleep on Daddy's side since it was closer to him. I agreed We had the weather on tv & they were telling people in Gwinnett to go to the lowest part of the house. So Jackson told me we needed to go to the basement now. I told him no, Daddy would take care of us. He would know if we needed to go. About 5 minutes later this was what Jackson asked me to do.

"Mom, can you please ask Daddy to call God & ask him to stop bowling? I am tired & he is too loud. He needs to stop having a party & stop bowling.....Please."

I laughed so hard. I told him God's bedtime was soon & it would end. The storm blew over about 10 minutes later.

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