Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Time to catch up....

WOW!! Didn't know it's been this long since I updated the kids blog. Alot has happened since school ended. We played in a baseball tournament & took the championship!! The boys played the best ball they have ever played. It was awesome. Then summer started & boy was it busy. Zoo, Six Flags, Tellus, parks, & the pool. We spent most of the summer at the pool. I finally got rid of my flip flop tan!! YAY!!! I'll upload a slide with all the summer fun.

To get everyone caught up:

Jackson started 1st grade. It's been rough. He has a very strict teacher this year. It's kinda a good thing but at the same time Jackson seems to get into trouble alot. He likes to talk~not sure where he gets that from~.
He is playing in farm league baseball this season. Which means no more t-ball. Coach pitch only. He is doing really good & we are so proud of him. He is playing catcher most of the games & starting to understand the position & play it very well. Just this past game he had his 1st out at home plate. The kid had a pretty good hit & was running home for his home run when the ball was thrown to Jackson. He caught it & tagged the runner...TWICE!! The grin on his face was priceless. He was so proud of himself. I was proud of him.

For Nathan everything is pretty much the same. He has no interest in the potty. I have tried everything to get him to pee in the potty but nothing has worked. I am giving him a little space with it & maybe he will be interested in it soon. He has gotten taller & has almost caught up with Jackson. Weight wise he has thinned out alot. He is talking so much now & unlike Jackson he catches on to what Jason & I say. Last week he told me to "watch my mouth" when I told him it was nap time. He isn't being ugly, he just heard it on the radio & didn't want a nap. I told him that next year he gets to go to school & he has flat out said no. He wants to stay home with Mommmy. Love that kid. He gets to start baseball in the Spring so our life will now be all at the ball field.

I will get the summer slide up soon. And I will try not to wait so long before the next update....

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