Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year...New Start

After a wonderful Thanksgiving & Christmas I am vowing to update a little better. So for 2012 that is my vow.

To summarize the past few months we had a very thankful Thanksgiving & a very blessed & wonderful Christmas. It didn't snow this year so family was able to stay & visit a little longer on Christmas Day. Which was really nice. We traveled to Nanny & Dot's & Pa even traveled here on Christmas Eve. The boys were so excited. They opened their presents from them & the just visited. Once they left it was very low key. Finished our baking (the boys helped alot this year) & got ready to watch A Christmas Story. Sorry but I am not a fan. The kids liked it & of course Daddy loved it. He always has. Next morning Jackson wakes up at 6 & Jason tells him to go back to bed. Really? It's Christmas morning Dad. Get up!! Well at 6:30 he got up. Between all the family & Santa the boys got everything they wanted. Nathan really understood how it works & wasn't afraid of Santa.

I know I'm kinda telling all this in a backwards order but I think my most proud moment of Christmas was with Jackson. We went to see Santa and the boys wrote what they wanted. Only 3 things each. Can't be greedy. They climbed up in Santa's lap & had a nice chat & at the end Santa asked Jackson "Why are you boys only asking for 3 things?" Jackson: "Because Jesus only got 3 things." We didn't know he said this until the dvd came & we could hear the conversation between the boys & Santa. My heart swelled with pride & my eyes flooded with tears. It's proof he listens because we talked about the 3 gifts about 2 weeks before we went to see him & he remembered. Love that kid.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday & may the new year be as wonderful as mine is gonna be.

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