Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kindergarten wrapping up.

Kindergarten is finishing up & boy did they have some fun stuff planned. The entire last week of school was nothing but movies & parties. They all earned it. It was a great year.

Field Trip: Jackson went on his 1st school field trip. They went to Carlton Farms. I was lucky enough to go with him. We saw several farm animals, Ms. Foskey got to milk a cow & then the kids got to play on a "farm" slide. Pictures will show the slide. It's pretty cool. I think the kids liked this the best.

PTA Performance: On the last PTA meeting of the year the kindergarten class performs. Jackson was very excited about this. They sang about 3 or 4 songs. Jackson was on the end of the row so we could really see him. He's such a performer.

Field Day: This was our favorite. I remember field day from when I was little and I think Jackson loved it as well. Nathan & I spent the day with the class. It was a little hard for Nathan because he couldn't do any of the games but he was the official team supporter. Ms. Foskey's class won for Kindergarten & they were so excited!!

Awards Day: This was a tuff one. Knowing that his 1st year of school was coming to an end, it just hit me hard. This was also his teacher's last year for at least a year. She is going to El Salvador to be a missionary so she was teary eyed all day too. Jackson got his awards for learning all his sight words & reading all his readers for the year. Then she had her candy bar awards. Jackson got the Babe Ruth award because he is all about baseball. Very fitting. I gave her the gift I made for her from the parents & she seemed to really like it. After the awards we had a picnic lunch with the class. Grammie & Nanny got to take the day off & spend it with us which made the day even more special.

Last Day of School: This wasn't as bad as I thought. The kids watched movies all day and after lunch we had ice cream & any or all the toppings you could think of. Ms. Foskey thanked all the parents for all their work thru out the year & then had a gift for me. She didn't need to do that. I helped because I wanted to but it was very nice of her. It was a great year & I hope next year is better than this one.

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