Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Jason's birthday fell on a work day this year & this bummed Jackson out. He thought it was just wrong that Daddy had to work on his birthday. So I told Jackson that we would make it very special for him. We cooked his favorite dinner and to find out what it was a few days before Daddy's birthday on the way home from a baseball game Jackson asked Daddy what is your favorite dinner? Jason knew what was up & said ziti. I whispered no, it has to be spaghetti. I didn't have the stuff to make ziti. So Jason said spaghetti. Jackson responds with "Oh, ok. I just wanted to know for no real reason. I was just talking to ya." Love that kid.

So dinner is made, cake for dessert & then we had to decorate. This got the boys very excited. I didn't have much decorations but we made good with what we had. Daddy came home & was very surprised & happy. It was the best part of his day.

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