Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter 2011

First. I can't add any pictures yet. Our computer died & most of the pics are on that computer & I have not had time to take it to the computer fixer guy. So once I do that I will come back & upload pics. Until then.....

It has been really cure hearing Jackson tell Nathan about the Easter bunny. He tells him about having their wagons empty so the bunny can fill them with so much really cool stuff he says. So of course this makes Nathan really excited. So we decided to the boys to see the Easter bunny. We met Erica & Codie there so maybe Nathan wouldn't be scared if Codie came. Wrong. He wanted nothing to do with the bunny. So that was a bust or I thought. The boys wanted to ride the train beside the bunny so after lunch we headed back to the bunny area & I told Nathan. You have to sit on the bunny's lap or you can't ride the train. OK. He ran & jumped on the bunny's lap like they were best friends. Crazy child.

At school on the Friday before Easter Jackson's class had an Easter egg hunt. Me & a couple parents had to hide about 120 eggs is a very small area. So it really wasn't hiding as much as laying them on the ground. It's ok. The kids had a great time.

Easter morning was fun. Jason was at work but I took a ton of pictures. The boys were so excited about their wagons and surprisingly didn't care about the candy as much as the airplanes they got. I was shocked!! I think they ate maybe 2 pieces each & then they were off playing & watching the new movie the Easter Bunny brought them. What a great morning!!

On Easter Sunday we headed over to Mom's for an Easter lunch with the family & then an egg hunt for the little kids. It was nice except Jason had to work. He stopped by when he got off work so he was able to spend some of Easter Sunday with us.

We thought the day was over til we got home & our neighbors had family over who come & play with Jackson everytime they are over. So of course they wanted to play and Jackson had been good so off he went. It ended up being a long day but a blessed day. It was spent with family & friends & no drama!!

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