Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kindergarten wrapping up.

Kindergarten is finishing up & boy did they have some fun stuff planned. The entire last week of school was nothing but movies & parties. They all earned it. It was a great year.

Field Trip: Jackson went on his 1st school field trip. They went to Carlton Farms. I was lucky enough to go with him. We saw several farm animals, Ms. Foskey got to milk a cow & then the kids got to play on a "farm" slide. Pictures will show the slide. It's pretty cool. I think the kids liked this the best.

PTA Performance: On the last PTA meeting of the year the kindergarten class performs. Jackson was very excited about this. They sang about 3 or 4 songs. Jackson was on the end of the row so we could really see him. He's such a performer.

Field Day: This was our favorite. I remember field day from when I was little and I think Jackson loved it as well. Nathan & I spent the day with the class. It was a little hard for Nathan because he couldn't do any of the games but he was the official team supporter. Ms. Foskey's class won for Kindergarten & they were so excited!!

Awards Day: This was a tuff one. Knowing that his 1st year of school was coming to an end, it just hit me hard. This was also his teacher's last year for at least a year. She is going to El Salvador to be a missionary so she was teary eyed all day too. Jackson got his awards for learning all his sight words & reading all his readers for the year. Then she had her candy bar awards. Jackson got the Babe Ruth award because he is all about baseball. Very fitting. I gave her the gift I made for her from the parents & she seemed to really like it. After the awards we had a picnic lunch with the class. Grammie & Nanny got to take the day off & spend it with us which made the day even more special.

Last Day of School: This wasn't as bad as I thought. The kids watched movies all day and after lunch we had ice cream & any or all the toppings you could think of. Ms. Foskey thanked all the parents for all their work thru out the year & then had a gift for me. She didn't need to do that. I helped because I wanted to but it was very nice of her. It was a great year & I hope next year is better than this one.

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Jason's birthday fell on a work day this year & this bummed Jackson out. He thought it was just wrong that Daddy had to work on his birthday. So I told Jackson that we would make it very special for him. We cooked his favorite dinner and to find out what it was a few days before Daddy's birthday on the way home from a baseball game Jackson asked Daddy what is your favorite dinner? Jason knew what was up & said ziti. I whispered no, it has to be spaghetti. I didn't have the stuff to make ziti. So Jason said spaghetti. Jackson responds with "Oh, ok. I just wanted to know for no real reason. I was just talking to ya." Love that kid.

So dinner is made, cake for dessert & then we had to decorate. This got the boys very excited. I didn't have much decorations but we made good with what we had. Daddy came home & was very surprised & happy. It was the best part of his day.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter 2011

First. I can't add any pictures yet. Our computer died & most of the pics are on that computer & I have not had time to take it to the computer fixer guy. So once I do that I will come back & upload pics. Until then.....

It has been really cure hearing Jackson tell Nathan about the Easter bunny. He tells him about having their wagons empty so the bunny can fill them with so much really cool stuff he says. So of course this makes Nathan really excited. So we decided to the boys to see the Easter bunny. We met Erica & Codie there so maybe Nathan wouldn't be scared if Codie came. Wrong. He wanted nothing to do with the bunny. So that was a bust or I thought. The boys wanted to ride the train beside the bunny so after lunch we headed back to the bunny area & I told Nathan. You have to sit on the bunny's lap or you can't ride the train. OK. He ran & jumped on the bunny's lap like they were best friends. Crazy child.

At school on the Friday before Easter Jackson's class had an Easter egg hunt. Me & a couple parents had to hide about 120 eggs is a very small area. So it really wasn't hiding as much as laying them on the ground. It's ok. The kids had a great time.

Easter morning was fun. Jason was at work but I took a ton of pictures. The boys were so excited about their wagons and surprisingly didn't care about the candy as much as the airplanes they got. I was shocked!! I think they ate maybe 2 pieces each & then they were off playing & watching the new movie the Easter Bunny brought them. What a great morning!!

On Easter Sunday we headed over to Mom's for an Easter lunch with the family & then an egg hunt for the little kids. It was nice except Jason had to work. He stopped by when he got off work so he was able to spend some of Easter Sunday with us.

We thought the day was over til we got home & our neighbors had family over who come & play with Jackson everytime they are over. So of course they wanted to play and Jackson had been good so off he went. It ended up being a long day but a blessed day. It was spent with family & friends & no drama!!