Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Another year ends & a new one begins. A better year at that. We did the normal for New Years. Spent the evening with wonderful friends and family. We went to the Cobb's and as usual the men stayed out back & made wings while the girls sat around and caught up. It's crazy that we all live so close to each other but hardly see each other. Between work, school, kids sports there just isn't enough time. But I am vowing to change that. At least for me. I don't usually make resolutions but I think this year I am just promising to love my family more, spend more time with the ones I love & do more for my community. Teach my kids to help people. It's all pretty simple I guess but that is my goal for 2011. So at this time next year I will be writing what a fabulous year it was & how my life is filled with so much love!!

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