Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snowed In!!

2 weeks after our white Christmas we received more snow. This time much more. Schools were closed for a week and we were stuck at the house for the entire week!! Thankfully the 1st day Jason was off work so he got to play with us in the snow. He then went to work but it had turned to ice so taking the kids out to play wasn't really an option plus Nathan hated it. And that is saying it mildly. He kept asking to go outside but once we got out there he would try to cry & say it's to cold. His little face was so red. It's ok tho because I really didn't want to be out there either. By the end of the week I was over it & really needed to find a way to get the van out. I am hoping this was the end of snow for 2011. I want Spring!!

The boys thought it was cool with all the snow in the back of the truck.

Nathan ready to go inside. He was so cold.

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