Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas 2010

The kids had a pretty good Christmas this year. I kept them busy for the most part & they received so many great gifts & spent tons of time with most of the family. It was a little harder one for me since I was unable to see my Nanny. Not going into details, those close know but I swear next Christmas will not be ruined and I will spend Christmas with my Nanny.

Christmas Eve
For my entire life Christmas Eve was at Nanny's. Not this year so Jason, the kids & Deina spent the evening here. During the day we baked everything. We had to make Santa cookies, cakes, & pies for Christmas Day. We ordered Sal's for dinner, which we LOVE, and watched Christmas shows till the boys went to bed. They stayed up a little late but going to bed wasn't a problem. They knew Santa was coming.

Christmas Morning
Shockingly they woke up at 7. Much later than I thought. They came into the living room & mouths dropped. Santa didn't give as much but they never would have known. They played together & smiled the entire morning. Jackson got monster trucks, clothes (which he didn't care about) Wii game, movies, trucks & trailers and most important, a remote control truck. He asked Santa for it & was very pleased he received one. Nathan got a train, movie, Mickey's fire station and apple juice. Yes, apple juice. When he was asked what he wanted for Christmas he said apple juice and he was very happy about that. Santa even remembered to bring presents to Wully & Stripes. They are the dinosaurs the kids built when we went to Disney. Bronson & Tamara bought them shirts but we didn't buy pants. Well Jackson has talked about this since then. That his Mommy won't buy pants for Stripes. So Santa took care of it & now the dinosaurs have pants on. All is well now.

Christmas Lunch
Everyone was coming over around noon for lunch and shortly before everyone got here it started snowing. Not a little snow but ALOT for Georgia and it was sticking. If the kids weren't excited they sure were now. The backyard was covered & it was beautiful. The only down side was the day felt rushed. We were afraid the roads would get bad so as soon as we ate & opened presents everyone had to leave. It's ok. Safety first, right?

I have never seen so much wrapping paper in my living room. I don't think I can even list everything they got from Nanny, Pop's, Uncle Bubbie & Aunt Mara. All 4 of them went WAY OVERBOARD. They love them I know. We are very lucky. Nathan did get the Dance Star Mickey and to watch him dance with Mickey is so funny. He definitely had his Daddy's moves. HAHA. Jackson got a guitar with an amp, fort kit and the boys got a really cool table with chairs. Since they love to draw this was perfect. Bronson & Tamara then gave them a basketball goal for outside. Nathan doesn't quite get it but Jackson loves it. Now if Spring would get here we could use it.

Christmas With Grammy
My Mom had to wait until the snow melted before she could get out but she came by a week after Christmas to give the boys their gifts. Here we go again. I just got my living room cleaned!!! HAHA. Jackson got the Tag reading system & this is the coolest thing ever. Everytime he learns something he comes running to tell me. I love it. Nathan got the Batman bat cave and all the bat cars. This was perfect because the boys have been playing together with it.

So even tho Christmas started sad it ended up being fantastic. I have a great husband and kids. They are my world & when the kids are smiling and laughing everything else fades away. This was a great end to one hard year. It can only get better.
Merry Christmas!!!

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