Friday, August 20, 2010

Nathan turns 2

Nathan is 2 and the time has flown by. I can't believe my baby is 2. He has such a little personality & it seems like it all hit on his birthday. We had a small water party in the backyard for him surrounded by our close friends. We had a water slide, slip-n-slide and a couple pools. The kids seemed to love it. Jason grilled for everyone & it was very laid back & fun. This year he was into opening his presents. He knows the drill now I guess. He got tons of great presents but his favorite was his Woody costume from Aunt Mac. He had to put it on as soon as we got inside & cried when we took it off for bed. He was upset but that's ok because at the end of the night it showed he had a great day. He fell asleep fast & slept a little later the next day.

Happy Birthday Nathan. Mommy & Daddy love you very much!! Hope you have many more incredible birthdays!!!

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