Saturday, August 14, 2010

4th of July

We spent the 4th of July at the beach again this year. We were hoping this was gonna be a much needed break but it didn't turn out quite as great as we wanted. It's ok. The 4 of us had a great time together & nothing could ruin that. We were gonna spend a week but came home a little early which ended up being a great idea. We spent the rest of our vacation as Mom's pool & got some much needed work done around the house.

Nathan enjoyed the beach alot more this year. Which made going to the beach alot more fun. He would play in the sand all day if we would have let him. Jackson too loved the beach but we knew that because of last year. They had a great time.

We had a small party on the 1st night we were there for Nathan & Jonathan's birthdays. Aunt Cathy & I got a cake for everyone. The birthday boys got over sized cupcakes. Nathan really like his green one. After dinner he opened a few presents. It was a nice dinner.

The 4th was a busy day for us. Jason & Jackson ran a 5K thru Mexico Beach. This was Jackson's first 5K & the nerves started to hit him right before it started. Aunt Mara made him an ipod with all his favorite songs so he could listen to music as he ran and we all know how much he likes music. He has run a 1 mile fun run before but this was the "big guy" run as he called it. Jason told him not to worry, he wouldn't leave him & that he would be fine. It didn't take long to get over the nerves because he was gone as soon as they said go. Jason said that at one point Jackson left him but turned around to come back because he was worried about him. Such a sweetie. Nathan & I waited at the finish line for the runners. When we saw them coming Nathan took off to meet them & crossed the finish line with his Daddy & Brudder. Jackson didn't get a medal for this race but finished in 48 minutes. Great time for his 1st race.

After the race we headed over to the fishing tournament. I wasn't really excited about this because last year we didn't catch one fish. This year much different. Jackson caught 9 fish!! He really caught 10 but gave one to Nathan so he can say he caught a fish. They really enjoyed fishing which will make a very happy Grammie!! When they passed out the awards Jackson got 3rd longest fish & Nathan got the youngest fisherman award!! Way to represent Dunn boys!!!

The evening ended with fireworks. Wasn't really sure if Nathan could hang in there but he did & seemed to like them. Once they were over it was off to bed. And let's just say they fell asleep fast & slept great.

The next day we decided to go out & have a nice family dinner. We went to Toucans & had an awesome meal, took a walk on the pier & then played on the playground on the beach. It was a great day with my family. I am so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Great Pictures Nicolle!! Looks like y'all have had a great summer.
