Friday, August 20, 2010

First day of Kindergarten

Jackson is in kindergarten. Or as he says the "real big guy school!" He was not scared or nervous at all. He was so excited and ready to go. We went to open house the night before to meet his teacher and see his room. He thought it was cool. I warned him when he went to bed that I might cry but I wasn't sad or upset. Just proud. He told me that he would be fine. He is strong & not to cry or worry about him. He is a big boy. I didn't cry at open house or even after we dropped him off. I was proud of myself. I held it in. (Nathan on the other hand, cried for awhile. He held onto the door knob when we got home & kept calling Brudder) I am still in disbelief that he is in school & Nathan in 2. Where does the time go? Right now I drop him off & pick him up but he really wants to ride the bus so next week he gets to ride it home. Pictures of that will come.