Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Family Hike

Jason & I decided to take the boys to Sweetwater Creek Park to hike some trails & play in the creek. I went there alot growing up & knew the boys would love it. Especially Jackson. Anything in the outside and in the woods he's a happy boy. So we got up Sunday morning and packed a picnic & headed to the creek. Jackson was so excited which made Nathan excited. Once we got there Jackson darted to the map & picked out which trail he wanted to do. They had a red trail (beginners) white trail (next step up) and blue trail (not for us since we had Nathan with us). He chose blue & we quickly talked him into red since Nathan couldn't handle the blue. Honestly Jackson probably couldn't either. So we took off into the woods. Jackson wanted to look for snakes, bears and deer. Good Luck. We hiked for about an hour and then took a break at the creek & I pulled out water shoes for the boys to play in the creek. Jackson was shocked that he was getting to do this. They played, got a little wet, threw rocks and then wanted to keep hiking. I thought it was good idea to take a "short cut" up a hill. Jason didn't argue but I could tell that this wasn't his idea & did not agree with me. It was steep and Nathan was already tired so this was pushing it for him. At the top of the hill we found out that we were now on the blue path. So I told Jackson he could now tell everyone that he hiked 2 trails in 1 day!!! At this point Nathan was exhausted & had to be carried either by me or Jason. He almost fell asleep on Jason's shoulder. It was cute. This was our sign we needed to head back to the van to eat lunch. We had been hiking for almost 3hours at this point. We found a nice quiet place for lunch and then headed home. It was a wonderful day with the family and one we will do again.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of FAVORITE things to do too. We 100% have to get together there and let the kids play in the creek. SO FUN!!!
