Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mohawk Time

So on the last day of school Jackson went with me to get my hair cut & his. He asked if he could have a mohawk. Knowing that Daddy would say no, we did a faux-hawk. So if he needed to look nice he could or if he needed to be crazy he could do that also. He was pretty excited about it.

I then took him to the bank to open his 1st account. He received some graduation money and needed a savings account. He walked in & told the banker he wanted to open a savings account. He took his money to the teller & waited for his receipt. The teller stepped away for a minute & when she came back she asked Jackson if he wanted to come behind the teller line & see how it all works. He was shocked & said I sure do. It was a great moment especially when I told him that I used to be a teller. He was a very happy boy.

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