Sunday, June 6, 2010

All about Tater.

Most of the posts lately have been about Jackson so this one is all about Nathan or Tater as he is known here. He likes to do everything that big brother does. And when he does them. He knew favorite thing is taking his clothes off. If he is left in a room by himself he will have taken everything but the diaper off in seconds. He finds this quite funny too. He will come running to where ever you are & smiles at you like he has done something great. He isn't potty trained yet but will tell you "I pee pee" and we take off to the potty. He will sit there & then clap when he gets off. He hasn't gone potty yet but I hope it's soon.

Some of his favorites:
Word: NO
Food: beans or grilled chicken
Cartoon: Yo Gabba Gabba!!
Toy: Jackson's old Clifford ride on toy
Song: Anything by Lady Gaga
He loves the McDonalds sign but doesn't eat it very good.
He also loves motorcycles and gets excited whenever he sees them.

Backyard Fun

Well it hasn't taken the boys long to find some fun in our new backyard. We have not been able to get the swing set over yet so they are using their heads or Jackson is using his & Nathan is following. Jackson thought that riding his dump truck down the hill in the back could be fun. He just didn't realize how much fun.

Spring Ball Part 2

Spring baseball has come to an end. It was such a great season. The best season yet. We had a great set of parents, kids and coaches. Yes I do play favorites since Jason is head coach but he did such an awesome job. All the coaches did. The kids learned & improved so much from the beginning of the season. Jackson got 2 game balls this year. His 1st game ball was for his great attitude & the 2nd for a home run he got when he got mad at his Daddy. It was the funniest thing because Jason & Jackson were arguing about something & Jackson told him that he made him mad and then goes & hits a home run. He needs to get mad at his Daddy more often. He did have a rough time this year because he wanted to hit as hard as most the boys but isn't as strong. He got better & with just a little more practice he will be hitting it to the fence soon.

Crazy me invited the team over for the end of the season party 3 weeks after we moved in. I got a little stressed once the party got closer but it all worked out & turned out to be alot of fun. We rented a jumpy & Jason grilled burgers & dogs. It was relaxing & the kids had a great time. They loved the trophies because they were bigger this year. So it was a nice ending to a great season and now we are counting down to August when it starts up again.

Moving Day......

This has been such a rough start to 2010 for the Dunn's. Big changes, new outlooks, new adventures & we have had to take a step back & reevaluate alot. So without going into details the 1st step to a new Dunn family was a new house. Hooray...kinda. It was hard moving. I have only moved once and that was when I married Jason so I have lived 2 places. There are so many memories in the old house. That house is where Jason & I started our life together and I didn't really want to leave but I knew we needed more space & a new start. So we took that step & moved on Mother's Day. I don't ever want to move again. We had tons of great help & my parents made some awesome bbq so I didn't have to cook but it was and still is very tiring. Jackson loves the new house. It has a very big backyard and we have turned 1 room into an office/playroom. It's a historical house in downtown Dallas & I love the house. I miss the great neighbors we had at the old place but the new house is growing on me.