Sunday, June 6, 2010

All about Tater.

Most of the posts lately have been about Jackson so this one is all about Nathan or Tater as he is known here. He likes to do everything that big brother does. And when he does them. He knew favorite thing is taking his clothes off. If he is left in a room by himself he will have taken everything but the diaper off in seconds. He finds this quite funny too. He will come running to where ever you are & smiles at you like he has done something great. He isn't potty trained yet but will tell you "I pee pee" and we take off to the potty. He will sit there & then clap when he gets off. He hasn't gone potty yet but I hope it's soon.

Some of his favorites:
Word: NO
Food: beans or grilled chicken
Cartoon: Yo Gabba Gabba!!
Toy: Jackson's old Clifford ride on toy
Song: Anything by Lady Gaga
He loves the McDonalds sign but doesn't eat it very good.
He also loves motorcycles and gets excited whenever he sees them.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics Nicolle! Great idea for a post too. I know it's hard when they aren't in sports or school yet, but you found a way to tell us about him! Such a cutie!
