Sunday, June 6, 2010

Spring Ball Part 2

Spring baseball has come to an end. It was such a great season. The best season yet. We had a great set of parents, kids and coaches. Yes I do play favorites since Jason is head coach but he did such an awesome job. All the coaches did. The kids learned & improved so much from the beginning of the season. Jackson got 2 game balls this year. His 1st game ball was for his great attitude & the 2nd for a home run he got when he got mad at his Daddy. It was the funniest thing because Jason & Jackson were arguing about something & Jackson told him that he made him mad and then goes & hits a home run. He needs to get mad at his Daddy more often. He did have a rough time this year because he wanted to hit as hard as most the boys but isn't as strong. He got better & with just a little more practice he will be hitting it to the fence soon.

Crazy me invited the team over for the end of the season party 3 weeks after we moved in. I got a little stressed once the party got closer but it all worked out & turned out to be alot of fun. We rented a jumpy & Jason grilled burgers & dogs. It was relaxing & the kids had a great time. They loved the trophies because they were bigger this year. So it was a nice ending to a great season and now we are counting down to August when it starts up again.

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