Sunday, June 6, 2010

Moving Day......

This has been such a rough start to 2010 for the Dunn's. Big changes, new outlooks, new adventures & we have had to take a step back & reevaluate alot. So without going into details the 1st step to a new Dunn family was a new house. Hooray...kinda. It was hard moving. I have only moved once and that was when I married Jason so I have lived 2 places. There are so many memories in the old house. That house is where Jason & I started our life together and I didn't really want to leave but I knew we needed more space & a new start. So we took that step & moved on Mother's Day. I don't ever want to move again. We had tons of great help & my parents made some awesome bbq so I didn't have to cook but it was and still is very tiring. Jackson loves the new house. It has a very big backyard and we have turned 1 room into an office/playroom. It's a historical house in downtown Dallas & I love the house. I miss the great neighbors we had at the old place but the new house is growing on me.

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