Saturday, September 26, 2009

Grandparents Day

On September 11th we had Grnadparents Day at school. Jackson invited all his Grandparents to come to school to have breakfast with him and see what he does all day. He was pretty excited and couldn't wait to get to school. It was a little crazy & crowded but we managed to get in. I went only for photos & tried to stay back. He had muffins & fruit for breakfast then he gave each Grandparent a card that he made with a poem in it. He was very proud of it. After that he introduced his Grandparents to the class. He was supposed to tell the class what he likes doing with each one. I remember with Grammy he said that they liked doing, what they like doing. He said he liked going to Pop's house & watching tv. Now we all know that he does much more than that. At Pa & Grammie's he swims, rides the boat, fishes & plays in the dirt. At Pop's & Nanny's they swim in the pool, play trains, works in the flower garden & as he tells me he takes care of Great-Grandma. Of course he didn't remember any of this. Oh well, it was nice anyway.

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