Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Jason celebrated his 31st birthday last week & Jackson was very excited about it. He wanted me to buy him a big cake but I talked him into letting me bake one. I could have bought a cuter cake than a boring sheet cake but at least Jackson could help me & it was cheaper. The day started out busy. We had to go to the bank & go get the truck checked out. It's making funny noises, turns out I need shocks. Then it was off to Target to buy Daddy's present. Jackson already had an idea of what he wanted to get him but I tried to stall & hope he would change his mind. He wanted to get Daddy a monster truck. Knowing Daddy would let him have it. What a smart kid. We ended up getting him a screw driver, a jar of slim jims & 3 monster trucks. 1 truck from each of us. We headed home to bake a cake after nap time. Cake was being pulled out of the oven as Daddy called to let us know he was on his way home. Jackson got upset because we had not wrapped the presents yet or made Daddy his birthday card. We got them wrapped, card made & then waited for Dad. I told Jackson once Daddy got home he would need to change before he could open his presents. That didn't happen. As soon as Daddy walked in the door Jackson was pulling him to the kitchen. Daddy looked at the undecorated cake & went to change.

Present Time!!

Jason opened his presents with such joy. He was VERY excited about the monster trucks which made Jackson very happy. We had spaghetti for dinner & then cake that Jackson decorated with sprinkles. It was a very good day.

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