Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You Are Healed!!!

Jackson is healed...well, almost. We had another doc appt. today to take x-rays & see the progress of the leg. Daddy got go with us this time so Jackson was very happy about that. He cried last time when we get to take the x-rays but not this time. He walked, almost ran, to the x-ray room. Once we were done there we met up with the doc to check them out. He looked at them & said "You are healed, Jackson!" You can see where the brake was but the bone has grown back together. The 1st thing Jackson asked him was if he could go to the jumpy place. Doc said to wait a little more just to build up strength in the muscle. The next step is another appt in August to get ready for surgery to remove the rods. They will remove them probably in October, then a month to recover & after that he should be good as new. I can't wait.

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