Monday, February 23, 2009

2 cavities & a Fire

This has been a crazy day. It started out normal. We got up, had breakfast, watched Mickey Mouse and got ready to leave. Jackson had his 6 month cleaning this morning so off we went to the new dentist. Jackson really liked this one. They had a movie playing in the lobby so he immediately was engulfed into the tv. We didn't wait long til they came to get him. I asked if he wanted me to go with him or if he wanted to go by himself. He decided to go alone. He said "I'm a big boy, I can do it by myself". So I waited. I kept hearing him laugh. Very loud laughs. I guess that is better than crying, right? Well the dentist came out & Jackson has 2 small cavities. One on each side on the bottom. He also said that he has an overbite which we will try to fix later.

After the dentist we went to eat & then to the jumpy place, since he was so good at the dentist & he ate all his lunch. I took Nathan down one slide, he smiled but I don't think he really cared about it. He was pretty tired because he was in my lap & was jumping & all of the sudden his head collapsed on my chest. He was out. It was pretty funny. I didn't think he was that tired. Boy was I wrong. Jackson jumped for 2 hours & then it was off to Walmart.

We finally got home & Jackson was relaxing on the couch watching his tv & Nathan & I were playing in the floor when we get a knock on the door. It was a young man who tells me that my back yard is on fire. Yes I said on fire. I headed out the back door, leaving Jackson inside with Nathan, & started to look for neighbor Dave. He burns alot but is always out there. However, not this time. I grabbed the hose & called 911. Then neighbor Dave comes out of his basement. He was inside for a moment & the wind must have got it. Dave starts tackling it & I go back inside to check the kids. By this time it has been about 10 minutes. I come in to find that Jackson had moved Nathan to between his legs & gotten his mirror/piano toy in front of him & is telling Nathan "everything is ok, Mommy will be back". I about cried. He was being such a great big brother. I told him he needed to stay inside until I came to get him. It was still pretty smoky outside. Once the fire was put out, I came in to get the kids. Jackson really wanted to meet the firefighters. He had a nice talk with Firefighter Ronny. They talked about baseball & Daddy. He told him his Daddy's name is Jason & he wears a "boom boom." (a gun) When they were leaving Jason & I took the kids up to show them the truck. Firefighter Ronny asked Jackson if he wanted to sit in the truck & you should have seen his face. He was so excited. Ronny picked him up & put him in the seat & Jackson just laughed & smiled. The best part tho was when the firefighter told him to press a button. It was the horn & Jackson said that was the coolest thing ever. It was amazing! That is his new phrase. Jason got a pic on his phone, it's not great but hey, we got one.

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