Sunday, February 22, 2009

Go Braves!!!

Well we had our 1st baseball practice last night. Jackson probably shouldn't have gone, with his ear infection & cough but Jason & I thought since his past 2 were rained out, we really wanted him to go. And he was so ready to play ball. He wanted to meet all his new "friends". He tells me after practice that his new friends are all his bestfriends. Isn't it crazy how a kid can meet another kid and they are instantly bestfriends? Jackson has a new bestfriend everyday. Back to practice. Jason and several of the other Dad's helped out. We have 15 kids this season. Jackson did good. At his turn to bat he got up there & hit the ball farther than he ever did last seaon. It must have been all the training Uncle Bubbie gave him last week. So, Thanks Uncle Bubbie!! This season we also have a team name. We are the New Georgia Braves. Go Braves!!

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