Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jackson's school had their first Bingo night and of course we went. Everyone knows how much Jason & I LOVE bingo. Never win but love playing. Barb, Mike & Great Grandma also joined us so it was a great family night playing bingo. It was crazy crowed & hot in there so as the night got later Great Grandma, Barb & Mike left a little early and Jackson played Grandma's leftover cards for her. And believe it or not he won. He didn't even know it. I looked at his card to make sure he was doing ok & he had a straight line so I gave it to Jason & he yelled Bingo!! Jackson took off running to the front of the lunchroom. It was so cute. He smiled the rest of the evening until I told him that this was Grandma's win. Later in the evening they talked & Grandma gave Jackson the prize which was a pretty awesome prize. It was a portable dvd player with tv. His friend won the DS they were giving away. Pretty great night for the kids!! Thanks Grandma!!!

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