Thursday, January 27, 2011

When I grow up....

A couple days ago Jackson & I were at the table having cereal before we got ready for school. Nathan was still asleep so this was just our time. It doesn't happen often but when it does it is great. Out of the blue Jackson tells me that when he grows up he wants to be a Monster Truck Driver. Ok, I said. He changes his mind on what he wants to be quite often so I usually just go with whatever he says. Then he said I want to be that because I will get alot of money and then I can go help people buy food that don't have any food. I held it together to not let him see me cry but man was I proud. I have taken him with me to the food bank a few times to drop food off & I explain to him why I do it. Never thinking he was really listening to me but I guess he was.

He came home from school & I told him how proud I was/am of him. He then proceeds to tell me that he wants to get 109 cans of food to take to the food bank. Why 109 I don't know. So we are on a mission to collect 109 cans of food so as he says can help 109 families. He is pretty awesome.

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