Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Disney World 2010

Fall break fell on a good week for us. Everyone knows that we have had our vacation planned for quite some time now and the school system must have also known because Fall break fell on the same week. We went to Disney for a week & this was by far the best vacation we have had. The boys behaved better than I ever would have thought. I mean we went to a park 5 days straight and that can wear someone out much less a 2 year old. I think I will update the blog by days since everyday was such an experience so please bear with me. I will get it updated with pictures soon!!

FINALLY DID IT!!! I finally got the pics up & honestly it would take days to write everything we did. I know the boys had such a great time & we were lucky enough to hit every park & the big boys (Bronson & Jason) got a boy day at Universal. They went from roller coaster to roller coaster. They had a great time. One of the highlights for me was the family dinner at T-Rex. What awesome food. We sat in a room that changed colors from red to blue. They boys LOVED it. After we are they got to build a dino. So we welcomed Stripes & Wully to the family.

For several weeks before we left we prepared Nathan for MiMi's house. In his mind he thought we were going to the clubhouse. That's what he sees on tv. So needless to say we didn't know how excited he was until our last day at the parks when we were at Hollywood Studios & say the Playhouse Disney show. When Mickey & the clubhouse appeared he was speechless. So very excited that I almost cried for him. To him we FINALLY went to MiMi's house.

Jackson had been working hard on getting taller before we left. His goal was to ride the rock & roll roller coaster. He saw pictures of it & as we all know Jackson wants to be a rock star so this is right up his alley. We went Hollywood 2 different days. The 1st day was all the big rides so we went straight to Tower of Terror & the coaster. He was tall enough for tower & I really thought he would cry once we got in our seats but boy I was wrong. He loved it. I think it was his favorite. Between the 2 days at Hollywood he rode it 4 times!! That kid has no fear. We then walked to the coaster and sadly he wasn't tall enough but he didn't cry or get upset. He said ok maybe next time. (what an awesome kid, right) The ladies at the line saw what happened & heard him so they gave him this card that says the next time he is there & is tall enough for the coaster he gets to skip the whole line, go straight to the front & ride that coaster. That made him smile & I was proud of him for not crying. The rest of us rode it & it is one of the best coasters I have riden much less it plays the best musice. How can you go wring with Aerosmith!! While Bronson & Tamara rode we took Jackson over to the tattoo stand & he got a pirate tattoo. He thought that was pretty cool.

Jason seemed to enjoy the entire vacation. He deserves it too. Since he missed the last trip. I think we all had a great time. Don't know how we are gonna top it next time and we all know there will be a next time. The Dunn family LOVES Disney World!!

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