Thursday, November 19, 2009

October 2009

Has it really been this long since I last updated the blog? I really need to get on this. I am gonna update for October and try to get November finished after Thanksgiving.

Baseball ended this month. We had a great season. A learning season. This year Jackson started tee ball. Which means we have umps, keep score & even have outs. In tiny tots, everyone hits & everyone scores. So the 1st game was an interesting one. By the end of the season tho, I think they got it. It was hard for them because with all this rain we never got a practice in. Just games. But that's ok. Jason really enjoyed coaching. He's such a natural at it. Jackson thought it was pretty cool that Daddy was out there. I liked seeing him out there too & I think he liked it but won't admit how much. I hope it works out that he can coach Spring ball because it is right around the corner.

Jackson had surgery on October 26th. I'll blog later about the surgery.

Next was Halloween.

We went to Paulding Meadows with Vic & Jen & the kids to go trick or treating. Kids were excited because that meant they got candy. Jackson wore his costume but Nathan didn't. He wasn't feeling very well. This year Jackson wanted to be Spider Man. When we met up with Jenn, Tristan also was Spider Man. It made it easier to spot 2 Spider Mans together. Everyone thought they were twins. It was alot of fun.

The boys carved their pumpkins. Well Daddy did most of it. Jackson picked the face of both. Nathan wasn't sure of his. He kept hitting it as if it was a drum. Jackson thought they are cool all lit up.

On Halloween we were supposed to go to Emily's for a hayride & cookout but poor thing. Emily got the flu. So Amanda invited us over with the kids for a cookout. Kids went trick or treating while the men cooked. Nathan came down with his 2nd ear infection so he went to Nanny & Pop's. I think he had more fun there anyway. He was the center of attention. I did dress him. For pictures of course. He wore Jackson's motorcross outfit. It fit him perfect.

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