Friday, November 20, 2009

Jackson's surgery. Part 2

I am gonna go ahead & say sorry. I might ramble on with this one or get emotional on this. This has been such a roller coaster of a time. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think something like this could happen or would happen to my child. Jason & I have had so many ups & downs with this that now that the rods are out & the follow up appt. is over, I can breathe. I know to most people it's only a broke leg but to us, it shook us. It could have been soo much worse and for some strange reason God blessed us & we only got a broke leg out of it. I have always been very thankful for both my kids but now, it's a whole new level of thankfulness. I could not ever see myself without them & want to give them everything. I also have a whole new appreciation for little things & for my entire family & friends. Thank you all for everything you have done for us.
Now on to Jackson's surgery...

Jackson had the rods removed from his leg on October 26th. He couldn't have anything to eat after midnight the night before so I told him we could go anywhere he wanted or cook anything. Of course he chose Applebees. So we went. Nanny, Pops, Uncle Bubbie & Aunt Mara went also. He ate great & the waitress brought him a huge ice cream dessert just for him & told him good luck tomorrow. He did share. Afterwards we went to Nanny's watched Mickey Mouse & went to bed. We had to get up early in the morning. However, Nathan was up most of the night. I think he knew something was up.

The next morning we got there at 7 & Jackson was in a pretty good mood. He knew exactly what was gonna happen so there was no surprises. Surgery was planned for 8:30 but the time went by pretty fast for me & Jason. Everyone was super nice & even let Jackson pick a new toy out of the toy cabinet. That made him very happen & he chose a train set of course.

I got to walk with him back to the surgery room. Mommy was much more nervous than Jackson. He got on the table & they put the "nose sucker" on his nose. He said I love you, I kissed him & that was it. He was asleep. As they were walking me back to pre-op room is when I started to cry. Now comes waiting. I think it was a little over a hour. When he came out he was so peaceful.

It took about a week & he was back to normal. It was swollen and he was scared to walk on it but after a day or 2 at school, he was fine. He is perfect. Even with his 2 "war wounds".
These were the rods in his leg.

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